Monday 13 May 2013

My Website.

One of the things that we have to do for this project is to make a website, it has to be linked to fashion & style and include primary images. To be honest, I have been finding it quite hard to come up with a theme and an idea that relates to fashion as I don't really care for it as much as I probably should with being a teenager. 
After thinking about it and going over the what I had to do with my tutor, I decided that in order for me to actually make a good website that related to my work, I had to make it apply to something that I'm interested in. Seeing as one of my obsessions and passions is film, I had the brilliant idea that I could pick fashion styles from some of my favourite films (For example, The Breakfast Club, O' Brother Where Art Thou...) and talk about what era/century/decade they came from and how popular/unpopular they were.
At first I thought that it might be hard for me to obtain primary imagery but the more I thought about it, the more I saw that it wouldn't be as hard as I thought. As I said in a previous post, people are always wanting everything to be vintage. I could take photos of things that I have that look as though they may have been influenced by fashion from a different time. I could also use secondary imagery (stating that they aren't mine) and my own drawings, to show the readers what the style looked like from that time. (As it would be very time-consuming to actually recreate the look.)
I was thinking that I could set my website out as a book or some type of design/sketch book that would show the style that I was talking about, what time period it was from and then a little information about it, along with a secondary image and a drawing of what it would look like in today's fashion.
Seeing as most websites these days have a type of photo gallery to show off images, I was thinking that I could have one dedicated to drawings of designs that I have come up with from the different fashion styles that I have been researching about. I feel that this would make the website interesting and appeal more to people that will be viewing my website.
I haven't thought much about what colours I will use for my website, but I am still in the early stages of putting everything together. Hopefully I shall be posting some images of the layout and the design of my website soon.

-Rebecca Hickey

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