Tuesday 21 May 2013


Last week, my tutor told the class that we each had to get one book out of the college library that we thought would help us with the research for our website. At first I thought, "I am really not going to find anything about what I want to do..." but I was wrong. I found the perfect book. "The Guinness Guide To 20th Century Fashion" has actually been really helpful and useful. I would never have had the idea for the theme of my website if I hadn't read it. Each page of the book describes in detail what people wore in each decade of the 20th century and how things have changed from the start. This book has really helped me and has strangely been very interesting. I think that I will use books more often in the future to gather information because I think that there are things in books that you just cannot find on the internet.

-Rebecca Hickey

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